Blog 6

The first topic I am considering is what you do if you had a time machine. This topic would get people thinking about what they did in the past or what they will do in the future. This caught my interest because many people have many different interests when it come time traveling. My second topic is if students think that general education classes are a waste of time and if they should just go ahead and do their major classes right away. I found interest into this topic because many people are complaining about the requirements. The reason why it needs to be argued to see if it is important to take those classes. My third topic is free writing because many people want to talk about different and we have different ideas.

One thought on “Blog 6

  1. The first one is too subjective and the last one isn’t really a topic. I think arguing about the necessity of core requirements would be interesting. Difficult though….not sure what research there is on it, if any.


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